Are you planning a trip to Indonesia?

Few things you need to know before traveling to Indonesia.

  • The majority of the population is Muslim and very conservative especially in small villages, when you are walking around and through villages make sure you dress appropriately.
  • It is important to exchange money before you arrive to Indonesia as it is difficult to exchange currency in most cities. Also, carry cash with you as many places don’t offer  card payment.
  • Another very important thing I have noticed when travelling through Indonesia is that cellular network (2G,3G) are widespread throughout Indonesia. However, 4G network is usually available in the major cities. Therefore, I would recommend to have google offline map.
  • Emergency contact details:

Police: 110 

Ambulance: 118 

Medical: 119

  • Contact details of Embassies:

UK: +622123565200

Spain: +622131142355

France: +622123557600

Germany: +622139855000

Netherlands: +62215248200